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Planning Board Meeting Minutes - 02/14/08 Workshop
Town of Mount Desert
Planning Board Workshop
Town Hall Meeting Room, Northeast Harbor
February 14, 2008

Public Present
Sam Fox; Peter Lord; David Irvin; Debra Deal; Debbie Musetti; John Kelly; Edd Hamor

Board Members Present                   
James Clunan, Chairman; Schofeild Andrews III; Joseph Tracy; Gerard M. Miller, alt;

Rich Rothe, Planning Consultant; Kim Keene, CEO; Danielle Goodwin, Recording Secretary

I.      The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m.

II.     The Board met with Planning Consultant Rich Rothe of Rothe Associates, to continue the discussions of amending the Land Use Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances.

        Chairman Clunan announced that this meeting would mainly focus on changes made to meet the Warrant deadline. He then summarized the structural and format changes including page numbers and headings which would provide more clarity. Mr. Clunan suggested the Board look at the changes first and outline administrative vs substantial changes.

Section 1 Preamble
There were no changes.

Section 2 General Provisions
The standards previously located in Section 2 have been moved to Section 6 which is dedicated to standards to be more user-friendly.

Section 3 Land Use Districts  
The only substantial change in Section 3 was the addition of note "m", proposed by Kim to eliminate the road frontage requirements for land locked lots. There was discussion on the wording which Mr. Rothe will amend.

Section 4 Non-Conforming Lots
The only changes made to this Section were titling each subsection for clarity.

Section 5 Conditional Use Approval
The Board changed "Conditional Use Permit" to "Conditional Use Approval" to distinguished between the Kim's role in permitting and the Boards role granting conditional approval.

Section 6 Standards for Uses, Permits, and Approvals
The Board discussed how best to organize and list the standards in Section 6. Mr. Tracy suggested two lists, the first being 6A which would consist of the standards required for all applications. Then 6B would consist of standards to consider only if applicable. Mr. Rothe agreed and would create a draft for the Board's review.

The Board and the public discussed the amount of detail and coverage needed in the lighting ordinance at this time. The Board also decided to leave the lighting ordinance as a separate article for Warrant review in case of any controversy.

The Board and public discussed Section 6.6.7 Slopes and decided to remove it from this draft. The Board will address the slope and erosion issues in 2009. Section 6.20 Signs came from the old Section 8. There was brief discussion on new Sections 6.21.2 Culverts and Section 6.22 Stormwater.

Section 7 Code Enforcement Officer
The Board ran through changes in Section 7:
7.1 was confirmed by the Board of Selectmen,
7.2 was fleshed out in more detail,
7.3 was specified to a particular subsection in Section 3.
7.4.1 was to include a scaled site plan where appropriate.
The Board explained that they were striking Section 7.11 because it covered the authority of the Appeals Board and CEO not the Planning Board.

Section 8 Definitions
        The Board briefly ran through the definitions and suggested adding abutters for the Public hearing on February 28, 2008.

        Debra Deal from Camp Beech Cliff mentioned that they were looking to build dorms for staff housing and was wondering how the new ordinance would affect that. The current ordinance does not address dorm living and she wasn't sure if it would fall under sub-divisions or multi-family dwellings where it would be a different situation. Mr. Rothe suggested adding a table for dorms.

IV.     Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.  The next scheduled meeting/public hearing(s) is at 5:00 p.m., Thursday 21, 2008 in the Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor.

Respectfully submitted,

Patti Reilly, Secretary